What is Professional Coaching?

The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as a partnership with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

As your coach, I will facilitate client-driven sessions where you determine the topic and direct the change you want to occur.

Professional coaching is not to be confused with other helping professions such as therapy, mentoring, consulting, or training.

The Client's Commitment

  • Focus on your desired, future-state and its outcomes

  • Consider alternative possibilities

  • Explore any beliefs that may hinder you from your goals

  • Create your own solutions and action steps moving forward

  • Keep track of your own progress toward your goals

Ready to Commit

The Coach's Commitment

  • Be curious and focus on asking client-centered questions

  • Partner with client to identify solution-focused outcomes

  • Learn from client's beliefs and challenge negative self-talk

  • Empower client to self-determine their next steps

  • Acknowledge client confidentiality and coaching agreement